Friday, November 30, 2012

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units

Learning the ropes - GPS / GPRS vehicle tracking systems

1. GPS: Global Positioning System - (Source: Wikipedia) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

2. GPS Receiver : This is also known as GPS unit, is a gadget which allows you to acurately pinpoint your position, its job is to locate 4 or more satellites. Using the mathematical principle - trilateration - it can find out its own location anywhere on the earth.

3. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service: This is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). You know this as Internet Data Connection on your mobile, and use it for browsing internet, checking emails, downloading softwares / songs on your mobile device.

Devices supporting GPRS are divided into three classes:

3.1 GPRS Class A device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), using both at the same time.

3.2 GPRS Class B device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), but using only one or the other at a given time. During GSM service (voice call or SMS), GPRS service is suspended, and then resumed automatically after the GSM service (voice call or SMS) has concluded. Most GPRS mobile devices are Class B.

3.3 GPRS Class C device: Are connected to either GPRS service or GSM service (voice, SMS). Must be switched manually between one or the other service.

How does GPRS device make connection

A GPRS connection is established by reference to its access point name (APN). The APN defines the services such as wireless application protocol (WAP) access, short message service (SMS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access.

In order to set up a GPRS connection for a wireless modem, a user must specify an APN, optionally a user name and password, and very rarely an IP address, all provided by the network operator.

GPS + GPRS = Unit deployed in your vehicle for real time tracking

A GPS receiver and the GPRS hardware sit side by side in the same box ( normally referred as: GPS tracking Unit ), powered by same battery source. At regular intervals or predefined events, the unit sends the GPS data using the GPRS connectivity to the central server ( referred as: GPS tracking Server )

The basics are clear, in nutshell - A unit that has both GPS receiver and GPRS hardware module interfacing together forms the GPS tracking unit. Once this unit is installed inside your vehicle, the self locations reported by the unit indicates the location of the vehicle. All the data that is send to the tracking server is then presented to the user on the maps / reports.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

Resume Tips To Take You From SAHM to WAHM

When looking for a telecommuting position, it is very important to have your resume in tip-top shape. This is often the only thing that a potential employer has to base a hiring decision on since they most likely will not be interviewing you in person, your resume has to make that great first impression for you.

When your resume comes across the fax line or is opened in an email, it needs to be presented as professionally as possible. Besides the obvious typos and misuse of words, your resume needs to be highly organized and make a great impression as quickly as it reaches your potential employers hands. With some organizational skills and a little work your resume can be the one that stands out.

Where should you start, I would suggest starting with a list of your skills. Most people would probably not start in that manner but I think that it gives you a more positive basis to work from. When I speak of skills, I don't just mean how many words you type or that you can operate a hundred programs on your computer. Use skills from volunteering with every organization from the school PTO to your church. You might be surprised when you really stop and think of everything that you learned while being an officer in the PTO or organizing the volunteers for the Little League concession stand. All of these are skills can be effectively used when organizing your resume. Not only do they require leadership and organizational skills but an ability to work well with others.

Now that you have your skills listed, you should be pretty proud of yourself. Sometimes making a list of your attributes is the hardest part. We should all know what year we graduated and when we finally got the nerve to resign from that dreaded 9-5 office position.

Next, I would recommend making a list of all previous positions with your job title as well as a brief description. Make sure that you use some "key words" that will easily grab the attention of the eyes scanning your resume. If you don't have a solid work history , I would recommend a functional resume format. The functional format highlights your skills rather than the time line of your work history.

Remember to see your resume as a marketing tool. On a billboard you only get a few key words to catch the attention of the traffic speeding by. Your resume needs to serve the same purpose. It needs to spark the interest of the potential employer so that they will want to know more about you and your assets. That is how you land the interview.

Resume Tips To Take You From SAHM to WAHM   

Cincinnati Karaoke

Cincinnati, like most cities these days, has a multitude of Karaoke bars to choose from on any given night. If you are ever out on a Friday night, you might want to try the Pirates Den on Anderson Ferry Rd. in Western Hills, where Cincinnati Karaoke host Robin Saint James brings her unique style of Karaoke entertainment to the public. She and her sidekick Sean Caldwell provide lots of laughs and guaranteed fun.

Robin is also a writer for local Cincinnati newspaper, and the author of a book called "Karaoke Krazy! Is This On?" The book is a humorous, satyrical, look at the Karaoke phenomenon, and also gives tips on singing and various other topics, including how to create you own television show. Here is an excerpt from the chapter entitled "What is Karaoke Anyway?":

Several years ago, someone in Japan thought there was a need for this type of entertainment ---and they were right.

In Japanese work environments, people are expected to contribute to the common good of the whole and not to draw undue attention to themselves.

American culture dictates a sense of individualism. We are conditioned to “stand out” from the crowd. But this is not so in Japanese culture, where modesty and a sense that one does not “blow their own horn” is the norm.

But we are all human and we like to get attention regardless of our cultural upbringing. In my opinion, the Japanese were more than ready to channel their hidden desire for individuality and acceptance into something “allowable.”

Singing has long been a part of the Japanese culture as it has brought them feelings of happiness. Corporate workers tend to feel a sense of relief from their fast-paced lives when they sing, so Karaoke is a natural outcome of their desires.

When whoever the Japanese genius was that created Karaoke did so, the masses were ready to jump in with both feet.

A few decades ago (in Japan), “Karaoke boxes” were created for people who wished to hear themselves sing. They were soundproof, just in case the singer was not so good. These boxes were set up anywhere the need warranted, from subway stations to street corners.

Eventually, Karaoke bars began to spring up all over Japan. It soon became so popular that there were even “Karaoke cabs” that provided people the means to sing on their way home from work! Sometimes the singers would be required to pay to sing. This became a good source of income for many business owners.

Karaoke also has practical uses for the Japanese. They like to sing western tunes and invariably they are able to learn English or other languages. It is also a significant tool regarding socialization, given that it holds no prejudice in terms of ‘good singers vs bad.’

The Karaoke phenomenon eventually spread throughout Asia and Europe, and of course, the United States.

Laser discs helped to bolster the popularity of this new form of entertainment. These 12-inch albums were first produced, as far as I know, by Pioneer Audio. I assume they were made in the same format as the 12-inch movie discs that started to become popular and then fizzled when DVDs hit the scene.

The Pioneer laser disc is really a work of art. Each and every song has its own video behind the lyrics. This entertained audiences as much as the actual singing. I had people that would come to my shows just to watch Karaoke videos.

I have to credit Pioneer for putting so much effort into their product. It was one of the reasons that my early shows were so successful. Everyone wanted to see what Karaoke was all about. To have videos on top of the singing was simply icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, other companies that eventually got into the Karaoke act and quickly found out that compact discs with graphics (words only) would work just fine. CDGs were far cheaper to produce and manufacture than laser discs and therefore far more inexpensive to the consumer. 12-inch laser discs were sold at about $130.00 per item. The smaller CDGs could be purchased for the cost of a CD. Therefore, the giant Pioneer laser disc was out and CDGs were in.

Although the giant disc era ended several years ago, I became so programmed to them, I still find myself starting shows by rolling off “Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to “Laser Video Karaoke.” I am your host….”

I think it is too bad that “cheaper” won out over “better quality.” Pioneer had a good product but it could not keep producing it when other companies were pumping out cheaper versions at a fraction of the cost.

By cheaper I don’t just mean ‘without the video.’ (Albeit the video cost more to produce than the music.) The orchestration on some brands of CDGs leaves a lot to be desired. It pales in comparison to the fully orchestrated sounds of the old Pioneer discs.

Pioneer used studio musicians, the best sound technicians, the works. You could easily tell that Karaoke versions of songs were as well put together as the artist's originals.

However, other companies were obviously using a cheaper means of getting there by simply programming keyboards to do what an orchestra once did. Thus, the demand for pioneer discs with video decreased. As far as I know, videos no longer accompany songs....

If you would like to read more, check out the Karaoke Krazy website at []. You can also order the book at

Cincinnati Karaoke   

Cincinnati Karaoke

Cincinnati, like most cities these days, has a multitude of Karaoke bars to choose from on any given night. If you are ever out on a Friday night, you might want to try the Pirates Den on Anderson Ferry Rd. in Western Hills, where Cincinnati Karaoke host Robin Saint James brings her unique style of Karaoke entertainment to the public. She and her sidekick Sean Caldwell provide lots of laughs and guaranteed fun.

Robin is also a writer for local Cincinnati newspaper, and the author of a book called "Karaoke Krazy! Is This On?" The book is a humorous, satyrical, look at the Karaoke phenomenon, and also gives tips on singing and various other topics, including how to create you own television show. Here is an excerpt from the chapter entitled "What is Karaoke Anyway?":

Several years ago, someone in Japan thought there was a need for this type of entertainment ---and they were right.

In Japanese work environments, people are expected to contribute to the common good of the whole and not to draw undue attention to themselves.

American culture dictates a sense of individualism. We are conditioned to “stand out” from the crowd. But this is not so in Japanese culture, where modesty and a sense that one does not “blow their own horn” is the norm.

But we are all human and we like to get attention regardless of our cultural upbringing. In my opinion, the Japanese were more than ready to channel their hidden desire for individuality and acceptance into something “allowable.”

Singing has long been a part of the Japanese culture as it has brought them feelings of happiness. Corporate workers tend to feel a sense of relief from their fast-paced lives when they sing, so Karaoke is a natural outcome of their desires.

When whoever the Japanese genius was that created Karaoke did so, the masses were ready to jump in with both feet.

A few decades ago (in Japan), “Karaoke boxes” were created for people who wished to hear themselves sing. They were soundproof, just in case the singer was not so good. These boxes were set up anywhere the need warranted, from subway stations to street corners.

Eventually, Karaoke bars began to spring up all over Japan. It soon became so popular that there were even “Karaoke cabs” that provided people the means to sing on their way home from work! Sometimes the singers would be required to pay to sing. This became a good source of income for many business owners.

Karaoke also has practical uses for the Japanese. They like to sing western tunes and invariably they are able to learn English or other languages. It is also a significant tool regarding socialization, given that it holds no prejudice in terms of ‘good singers vs bad.’

The Karaoke phenomenon eventually spread throughout Asia and Europe, and of course, the United States.

Laser discs helped to bolster the popularity of this new form of entertainment. These 12-inch albums were first produced, as far as I know, by Pioneer Audio. I assume they were made in the same format as the 12-inch movie discs that started to become popular and then fizzled when DVDs hit the scene.

The Pioneer laser disc is really a work of art. Each and every song has its own video behind the lyrics. This entertained audiences as much as the actual singing. I had people that would come to my shows just to watch Karaoke videos.

I have to credit Pioneer for putting so much effort into their product. It was one of the reasons that my early shows were so successful. Everyone wanted to see what Karaoke was all about. To have videos on top of the singing was simply icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, other companies that eventually got into the Karaoke act and quickly found out that compact discs with graphics (words only) would work just fine. CDGs were far cheaper to produce and manufacture than laser discs and therefore far more inexpensive to the consumer. 12-inch laser discs were sold at about $130.00 per item. The smaller CDGs could be purchased for the cost of a CD. Therefore, the giant Pioneer laser disc was out and CDGs were in.

Although the giant disc era ended several years ago, I became so programmed to them, I still find myself starting shows by rolling off “Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to “Laser Video Karaoke.” I am your host….”

I think it is too bad that “cheaper” won out over “better quality.” Pioneer had a good product but it could not keep producing it when other companies were pumping out cheaper versions at a fraction of the cost.

By cheaper I don’t just mean ‘without the video.’ (Albeit the video cost more to produce than the music.) The orchestration on some brands of CDGs leaves a lot to be desired. It pales in comparison to the fully orchestrated sounds of the old Pioneer discs.

Pioneer used studio musicians, the best sound technicians, the works. You could easily tell that Karaoke versions of songs were as well put together as the artist's originals.

However, other companies were obviously using a cheaper means of getting there by simply programming keyboards to do what an orchestra once did. Thus, the demand for pioneer discs with video decreased. As far as I know, videos no longer accompany songs....

If you would like to read more, check out the Karaoke Krazy website at []. You can also order the book at

Cincinnati Karaoke   

Web Chat Agents

If you are into e-commerce business, you will be aware how important customer support is. History has witnessed many successful e-commerce sites that started up well with impressive sites, products but failed miserably in customer service. Your customers are the most important assets you gain and if you are able to develop good relationship with them, you will definitely survive in this business.

Now, the legacy systems of email support and telephonic support are not adequate enough to keep customers happy. Main reason behind this is the time of response in case of email communication and pain in telephonic conversation. By the time you read customer emails and reply them, the customer might lose interest and go to some other site. This is where you can see the advantages of live chat support. Here, the web chat agents can help you catch hold of your site visitors and convince them to become your customer.

Web chat agents with the help of chat support software are able to keep a track of your website visitors. They can see any visitor entering your website and communicate with them. This not only gives the site visitors the confidence to invest in your site, it also creates a good impression of you being customer caring. The chat agents should be educated to be polite and patient since the site visitors may be arrogant sometimes. The agents should also have good product knowledge so that they are aware of any question thrown at them.

The web chat agents can really contribute to your sales graph and can bring a real difference in your business. They can easily make out the interest of the site visitor and guess what they are looking for. Accordingly they can tune up and convince the visitor so as to convert them into potential customer. Apart from this, the chat agents can be a good source of collecting real-time reviews and feedback from your customers. Overall, the presence of a virtual attendant makes your store more lively and interactive. The site visitor does not feel alone in the store and any queries get clarified almost instantly.

The chat agents also play a major role in entertaining your permanent customers by paying them more attention and following up with their orders. Here you have a good opportunity to gain long-term customers and retention rate will obviously rise. Finally, the liberty to place the chat agents remotely gives you even more independence in terms of maintenance of site.

Internet Marketing - How To Build A Website With a High Conversion Rate - Part 2   What Should a Business Owner Be Aware of When They First Start Out Promoting Their Website?   Cost Per Action Facebook Ads   Calculate Your Website Value   Searching for Answers?   

Content Means Money

Your online business needs a website, and you build Websites (you can also build traffic and make money with other online article writing sites such as Squidoo, or HubPages, or many others.) There is a learning curve that you must learn about and that is increasing traffic and creating needed content. This helps you learn that content is a must, and then building traffic from there.

How Does Content Help Traffic?

You need traffic... If you want to make money with Google AdSense or any other affiliate program this is a must. Even if you are not getting paid through these affiliate programs directly, you can learn how to build a better business, from your profile to your information that you give your readers and more. The point is that traffic needs content and content needs more "power." That power comes from building your content to the point that people will look for them in the search engines, such as Google, or Bing or Yahoo.

Quality and Quantity and a Target Makes You Money?

You learn quality and presentation-- in other words what gets people there and what makes people stay, and click on an ad. Your business needs you to learn these things, and you need to learn them to enjoy your work. This is a huge online world, and it is an important business where you will see success and build on that as long as you are willing to take the time to learn about what makes you the money you want.

Google AdSense and other affiliate programs need traffic and they need good targeted traffic. At the same time, if you have no traffic you will need to find a way to increase your traffic. Your business, websites and blogs need to be seen. This means that beyond great content you will need links.

Of course you can ask what does content mean to Google AdSense?

Simple, you ads are based upon three things, your titles, your content and your choice of keywords. Also the more specific you can make all three the more you target your traffic. By making your content useful to your readers, they are more likely to click on your pay-per click ads than some of your more regular readers.

If you notice that the ads do not seem to correct in terms of your content, then your content might not be useful to the programs. Use the preview tools to your advantage and continue to improve your content to make more money.

Using All Of Your AdSenses   AdSense Earnings Can Really Pile Up   Buy Google AdSense Account: Ads by Google   Does Google AdSense Really Work?   

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